Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Scene

P.L.U.R.P.O.S.E is an acronym that stands for Peace, Love, Unity, Respect. My objective with this blog is to show that EDM has a positive influence on the community. Everyone has a purpose and EDM helps people find their purpose. Electric Dance Music is a phenomenon that has completely revolutionized music festivals and the rave scene.  They have made these places common ground for people who struggle with the challenges of everyday life. It has been said that Electric Dance Music is an art form that frees people and makes them dance in ways they wouldn't before. It is the simplistic melodies, to the heavy use of bass that makes each song a heart pounding experience in itself. It is a quick escape from reality where people can lose themselves in the music and fully immerse themselves in the culture.

The reason that the acronym P.L.U.R. is so popular is because it represents something more than the music itself it represents an experience that you won't get with any other music genre. Most rave goers dress up in fair costumes and cover their arms in bead bracelets other wise known as "candy". It is not just a cheap plastic to these people but a common symbol of respect for the other. The goal of these bracelets are to share moments with other people, to have a connection with others that you would most likely not get outside of the realm of EDM. This is a movement that has started with our generation and looks to be paving the way for the others as well. I can say that first hand that it is on of the most influential genres of music that we have seen next to classic rock and old school hip hop. EDM has changed the way we see music and how we hear it as well. It is a revolution that has made shifts in the way we listen and "live through music".

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